first aid course

Heat Stress

Heat Stress

Heat related medical situations are serious life threatening conditions in Australia, being the driest inhabitable continent on Earth. People do regularly die from dehydration. As always prevention is far better than the cure so please plan ahead and take a few basic precautions.   First aid kits to be used when travelling in dry warm

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Bush Fire

Camp Fire Safety

Having a fire is just one of those things people create when camping! It’s basically tradition! However these days some public camp sites do not allow visitors to construct a camp fire, and cooking can only be done using your own gas equipment and/or provided barbeque facilities. This is due to the fact that camp

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Snake bite first aid

Snake Bite First Aid

Phone Emergency Services Australia ~ 000 ~ Triple Zero – USA 911 – 1. ASSESS FOR ANY DANGER! Assure the patient they will be OK, if necessary help the patient into immediate shade/cool, carry if possible but keep patient movement to an absolute minimum, immediate patient immobilisation is critical, help them lay down and remain

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