Oz Survival Aid

Threats to Electricity Supply

Threats To The Mains Electricity Supply

Threatening situations that could readily and extensively interrupt our electricity power supply from the mains grid electricity infrastructure are indeed numerous. Modern societies are far too reliant on the electricity generation power stations and the infrastructure that distributes electrical power. We extensively take these utilities for granted, until quite literally the power goes out. In

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UHF CB radio

Australian UHF CB Radio Channels

Effective communications with others whether camping, hiking, four-wheel driving or touring can certainly enhance the experience, prevent people getting lost and avert an emergency. For emergencies, effective communications has the very real implications to resolve an emergency, prevent or reduce harm and even save lives. Channel Functions CHANNEL NUMBER CHANNEL USE 5 & 35 Use

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Emergency disaster preparedness

Emergency Preparedness

We are currently living in a time of relative stability, although it has not always been the case. Most people and society in general are grossly oblivious and convinced that our current period of comparable local and planetary security and equanimity is constant. Threats that are not only a significant risk of occurring again but

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Camping with Dogs

Camping with Dogs

The most common pet by far to take on a camping trip is the beloved dog, They are not called man’s best friend for no reason. More camping destinations and camp grounds are catering for dogs these days, as more people are wishing to take their pooch on camping, caravan and outdoor expeditions. Much of

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Introduction to Navigational Skill and Survival

Navigation is the art and skill of accurately determining ones location and then successfully guiding to a determined destination. Accurate navigation requires a sound assessment of the Earth’s latitude, which is the north-south position measured from the Equator, and the Earth’s longitude, being the east-west position measured from the prime meridian. The prime meridian is

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